Fort Atkinson Community Band
About Us . . Concerts . . Conductor . . Rehearsals . . History . . Sponsors . . Links . . Contact . .


Site Information

Address / URL:

Official site address:

Address History:
The Fort Atkinson Community Band has had a website since July 2006.


This site is written in HTML 4.01 Transitional and CSS Level 1.0. No Javascript (ECMAScript 262 & W3C DOM 1) is used on this site. For graphics, GIF and JPG images are used. Paper-based documents are posted in PDF (adobe acrobat) format.

This website should be viewable on any reasonably-modern browser (e.g., Firefox 0.5+, Netscape 6+, IE 5+, Safari 0.8+, Mozilla 0.5+, Opera 3+, Lynx, etc.).For optimum viewing, we recommend a standards-compliant web browser at a minimum resolution of 800x600 (1024x768 preferred) with at least 16-bit colour (65535 colours).

This site has been carefully designed so that it can be viewed with as many browsers as possible, including text-based browsers. It does this by complying with coding standards as set out by the W3C - for more information please see the anybrowser campaign.

Privacy, copyright, etc.

This site does not use or collect any personal information. It does not use cookies. Contents of this site are copyright the Fort Atkinson Community Band; all rights reserved. Please contact us via e-mail before using any content from our site.

Site Design & Maintenance

Our website site is generously designed, hosted and updated by Graham Nasby of WebMastering Services. Graham donates these services to us.

Please direct any website-related inquiries to our general e-mail address.